Algeria and French Speaking Africa

Madjid, an Algerian native is a Professor at Strasbourg University International Relations; Associate Professor at the school of Management at the Algerian Business School among others.

He is an acclaimed expert in helping International Organisations prepare for and expand their businesses particularly in Algeria , French speaking Africa and France.

Has developed several Higher Education Courses at Strasbourg University including Masters in ‘Economic Intelligence and management of international development’ ; ‘Cluster and territorial management’; ‘ Project Management cooperation of the European Union’.

Madjid has worked on behalf of International organisations in West Africa for over 30 years helping them expand into that region.

He is a Senior International expert in and teaches  International Relations, International Economic Relations, Geopolitics, Economic Intelligence, European Institutions and cooperation between the European Union and developing third countries.

Areas of influence and expertise are : cooperation and development / strategic management through economic intelligence and monitoring / knowledge management / cluster management / entrepreneurship / development of business incubators and start-ups / communication and marketing / European Union.

Senior International Expert in :

  • Training Engineering , training and setting up of workshops and seminars
  • Development of projects in cooperation and development / Consulting in organisation and development with an approach of economic intelligence / Consulting in international support.
  • Institutions concerned: territories / companies / clusters / business incubators / Start-ups / NGOs / Administrations.

Geographic area: Algeria,  France, Maghreb and Africa (French-speaking).


References: SONATRACH (Algeria) / University of Strasbourg – ITIRI / Hochschule de Kehl (Germany) / EM Strasbourg / ENA Strasbourg / EM-Alger Business School / University of Passau / IAM-Montpellier / ISEL Paris / CCI training center (Strasbourg) / EU / PE / France Clusters / Pôle Fibers Energivie / Hydreos / Bizerte competitiveness cluster / Word Trade Center Algeria / ANPT – Incubator (Algeria) / UNDP / GIZ / MEDAFCO / OIT-BIT.