This cross-regional IT event aims to bring together Irish, Northern Irish and Western Balkans SMEs (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) with additional guests from Georgia and … Read the rest

This cross-regional IT event aims to bring together Irish, Northern Irish and Western Balkans SMEs (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) with additional guests from Georgia and … Read the rest
ConsultingIreland offered a conference on International Opportunities and BREXIT at the Enniscorthy Enterprise Centre in February 2017. Seamus McCann introduced the attendants to the 1 trillion euro international market that … Read the rest
This event hosted by ConsultingIreland presents the established Irish bidding teams we have to target international markets. These teams are formed around industry clusters such as agriculture, energy and finance. … Read the rest
Presentation of our PPACT programme at major Smart Cities event in the Catalan Capital. The Partners will also plan their next activities which will be the identification of interested companies … Read the rest
ConsultingIreland have signed a new corporation agreement with our 5th international partner – Hungary. … Read the rest
Irish Businesses are constantly being encouraged to look for opportunities beyond these shores and outside our traditional markets such as the UK, US and Western Europe. The recent decision by … Read the rest
The PPACT (Public Procurement and Cross-border Tendering) project aims to rapidly elevate SME public sector tendering skills and equip them to participate in cross-border bidding teams focused on tapping into … Read the rest
ConsultingIreland presentation on winning business with the EC to members of the Brussels and Flemish Chambers. Topics covered will include identification of tenders, partnering
The Enterprise Europe Network office at Dublin Chamber of Commerce, in association with USAID and Invest Northern Ireland are hosting a delegation of IT companies